Cancellation & No Show Policy

Cancellation and No-Show Policy For Adults

At Ballet America, we strive to ensure a fair and accessible experience for all students. Please review the following policies based on your booking type:

For Drop-In Classes:

  1. Cancellation Policy: If you cancel your paid drop-in class in advance, you will receive a credit to your account for use toward future classes. No monetary refunds will be issued. The credit can be applied to any class offered.
  2. No-Show Policy: If you do not attend your scheduled class and fail to cancel in advance, you will forfeit any credit for that class and will not receive a monetary refund.

For Class Pass Members:

  1. Cancellation Policy: If you cancel a class from your pass in advance, the class will be returned to your pass balance for use at a later date. No monetary refunds will be issued.
  2. No-Show Policy: If you miss a class and do not cancel in advance, the class will be deducted from your pass balance.

General Notes:

  • Late Cancellations: To avoid impacting the studio and fellow students, please cancel in advance if you cannot attend.

Your understanding and cooperation help us maintain a positive experience for all students.

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